
Something about Shawn Benjamin Photography / Ark Images
I am a Cape Town based professional photographer, specializing in aerial, architectural, documentary, industrial, commercial, sport, functions, etc . I work both on analogue and digital formats. We also offer many other services to our clients, one being our image library - Ark Images - from where you can source those images you are looking for. Ark Images can in addition, digitally archive all your images in a fully searchable data base which is web compatable, meaning your images can be viewed on the World Wide Web within a few short hours after the images have been photographed.
We also offer many other services to our clients, Incl.
- Scanning
- Retouching
- Compiling of CD ROMS & DVD's
- Archiving of images.
- The hosting of clients¹ archives on the W.W.W
- Syndicating of images.
- Photo library. Ark Images
I have a well-established and loyal client base and have been commissioned to photograph many high profile people for example: Pres Clinton, Jessie Jackson, Al Gore, Pres Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Archbishop Tutu, Lady Thatcher , Madeleine Albright, the British Royals and many more.
During the past year, Shawn Benjamin Photography has made vast improvements thus being able to offer our clients a far better professional service.
Not only do we use the best professional camera equipment, Apple Macintosh computers and numerous professional software packages, but have recently replaced our digital archiving software with one of the best software packages on the market today.
This is how you, the client benefit:
- All your images will be archived, meaning that if you need an image at any later stage, we will be able to find it within seconds.
- Shortly after a photo assignment, we can can make all your images available to you in the requested format on our online image archive.
- We can keyword and capture a description for each image, which means you do not have browse through hundreds of images.
- The images can be made available to anyone with a user-name and password. Each user-name and password can have specific permissions attached.
- The software keeps an accurate record of what happens to each image, which can be made available to you.
To view some of my work go to
Bringing Africa to you - visually
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OFFICE: (27) 021 7943443 FAX: (27) 021 7947571 CELL: (27) 082 4910684