Presenter Management

We offer an IT solution to effectively manage presentations. We setup a small office, commonly referred to as the speaker preparation room, where presenters can edit, rehearse and load their talks. Qualified expert technicians are on hand to assist with any technical challenges that may arise. Once the presentation is loaded, it is copied across a network to the conference room where the talk is to be given. This allows the technician in the conference room to call the presentation up on the screen when it is needed without interrupting or delaying the meeting. This can be done on windows and mac platforms. This system affords the benefit of a common IT platform for all presenters thus eliminating many of the driver-related software incompatibilities common to laptops. A full display of the presentation and a presentation remote will be ready at the podium the moment you step up. This is a point to point solution and can be utilized across multiple rooms from a single common speaker preparation room. Another feature of the system is the ability to easily gather all presentations for reproduction to CD or web streaming.