Case Studies
Green Hydrogen Workshop

The Green Hydrogen Workshop was held in the ballroom of the Table Bay Hotel. We provided audio visual equipment and personnel for the event. Some delegates joined the meeting via Zoom.
CASA Congress

The Chiropractic Association of South Africa congress was held at Lagoon Beach in the Atlantic 2 venue. It was a hybrid event with some delegates attending via Zoom. We supplied the following equipment and services:

The International Conference on Chemistry Education was a hybrid (Virtual and Physical) event that was held at the Lagoon Beach Hotel. Atlantic 1 was the plenary venue with Atlantic 2 and the Courtyard rooms as break away rooms. Invited speakers that were unable to attend the meeting presented their talks remotely via Zoom. Corporate Event Staging provided the following list of equipment and...

The meeting was held at Eureka with some delegates and presenters attending in person and others virtually via Zoom. A band called Breakfast Included provided entertainment. Here is a list of equipment and services used:
Stewart Property Auction

The auction took place in the Ballroom of the Table Bay Hotel. The event was live streamed via Stewart Properties online bidding platform. Corporate Events provided the following list of equipment: