Sound hire Cape Town pros or cons

In today’s economic climate it is not uncommon practice to gather quotes from more than one service provider. Generally the provider with the cheapest quote gets the job. Have you ever wondered why quotes for the same event from different sound suppliers vary so much? Some by a few hundred Rand, others by thousands?
The secret is in the equipment they spec for the job. Some sound companies use commercial/household grade equipment that is usually not suited for the application, but they are relatively inexpensive to acquire and therefor these companies can quote very low prices. On the other end of the spectrum you get sound suppliers that quotes on very high end professional equipment that is more than adequate for the job, so much so that it is overkill. These quotes tends to be very expensive.
What you should be looking for is a sound company that quotes on professional equipment with reliable brand names that are suited for the job that it is going to be used for. If you are not a technically minded person and you are comparing quotes, it will be very beneficial to contact the service providers and have them explain to you in layman's terms what equipment and services they have specified and how it compares to the equipment and services of the other suppliers.
At Corporate Event Staging we strive to provide professional and reliable audio visual solutions that meets the demands of the event and the pockets of our clients, without compromising quality.